Radiall was founded in 1952 as a company making coaxial plugs for the television industry. Since then Radiall is a manufacturer of RF coaxial connectors and cable assemblies; antennas; fiber optic and microwave components; and multipin connectors. Radiall serves the Aerospace, Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Medical, Space, and Telecommunication industries.
In addition to RF connectors, cable assemblies, multipin connectors and fiber optic connectors, Radiall offers the following categories of products
RF & Microwave Switches
Microwave Components
Components for Space Applications
RF Coaxial Connectors
Radiall offers the following types of connectors: 7/16 (incl. Composite 7/16), Adapters, BMA, BNC (incl. BNC HDTV), C, Coaxipack 2 & Inserts, DIN 1.0/2.3, DIN 1.6/5.6, DT-F, ECO, FAKRA, FME, HN, High Voltage Connectors, IMP, MC-CARD,
MCX, MMBX, MMCX, MML, MMS, MMT, Mini QUICK MQ, Moebius switching connector, Multiport Connector, N (incl. Composite N), N 18, Non Magnetic, PCB Cable Terminations, Professional banana plugs, QMA (QLF® certified), QN (QLF®
certified), RP Connectors (Reverse Polarity), SBMA, SMA, SMA 2.9 (K), SMA Hermetic, SMB, SMC,SMP, SMP-MAX, SMZ, SSMA, SSMB, Switching Connectors, TNC, TQ, Tools & accessories, Twinax Connectors, UHF, UMP, and USCAR.
RF Cable Assemblies
Radiall offers the following categories of RF cable Assemblies: Corrugated; Flexible RG, KX, ECO, ECOX, LMR; Flexible Ultra-Low Loss SHF; Hand-Formable; Jumper 7/16; Semi-Rigid; Space Qualified cable assemblies; and TestPro Bench Test.
Fiber Optic Interconnect
Radiall offers the following types of Fiber Optics Interconnect products: Accessories (FO); Adapters (FO); EC; ECO range patchcords; FC; LCLuxCis® (ARINC 801); LxC-R®; MIL-DTL-38999 for LuxCis® (ARINC 801) contacts; MIL-PRF-29504 Type contacts; ODC (Outdoor Connector); PROBEAM®; Reference patchcords (Gold Cables); SC; ST; Tooling; Transceivers D-Light & S-Light; and VFO.
Multipin Connectors
Types of Multipin connectors offered are: DISCONNECT connectors, cable to cable; CONTACTS; RACK & PANEL connectors; EPX® A & B modular connector EN46444; NSX® & BPX® connectors ARINC 600 / S280W551; DSX® connectors ARINC 404 / SAE-AS 81659; QM (Quick Multipin) & rail mounting connectors; HDQX connectors; PC Board connectors; and Customized connectors.
Radiall also offers services as a part of their business operations, as listed below. For more information please visit their website.
Extranet: It is a web-based service offered to its partners to use specific applications and tools about their products.
Test Laboratory facility:
Founded in 1989 in Voiron, France, Radiall has a Test and Measurement facility in compliance with ISO/ICS/17025. It offers the following services to its customers:
IEC, CECC, MIL (QPL), ESA/SCC, Bellcore and customers' specific qualification tests
Evaluation, Certification or Qualifications of your products
Calibration of a wide range of apparatus ( Electrical, Optical, Dimensional, etc.)
Various testing standards (COFRAC) are available
Development of specific new measurement methodologies with real-time acquisition measurement facilities
CAD Design, Modal analysis and manufacturing of specific fixtures for vibration testing
Investigation and analysis of materials
Environmental, Mechanical, Electrical and Optical Testing Services
Testing of RF & microwave passive components and antennas
Testing of Electrical and coaxial connectors
Testing of Aerospace/military components and devices
Testing of Automotive and commercial products
Testing of Fiber optic connectors, optical components, cable assemblies and optoelectronic devices
Radiall technologies: Since 1961, Radiall shares their know-how with customers on Machining, Stamping and Plating related to their high precision machining.
Other additional services offered are
Distributor inventory
Agile Portal
Radiall has worldwide manufacturing locations and distribution channels in Asia, Europe and the Americas and 12 industrial sites. Please visit their website for a complete information on their distributors and representatives.
Radiall has undertaken a series of ISO certifications, such as,
ISO 9001:1994 in 1994
ISO 9001: 2000 in 2000
ISO 14001 certification in 2001
ISO 9001: 2008 in 2009
Radiall is involved in improving their quality of products and services on regular basis as evident from their history of ISO certifications.