Exam engine features
Take exam in learn mode which provides interactive learning environment where candidate can go through each question and view flash cards and correct answers for each question, Exam mode which simulates actual exam environment and candidate needs to answer exam created by instructor in a given time without any help from flash cards or, Review mode which can be used to view saved exams with answers selected by candidate along with correct answer and detailed explanation for each question.
- Set display features like preferred font size, light/dark theme, full screen mode according to your convenience while taking the exam.
- If exam administrator has allowed students can pause the exam timer, bookmark questions to visit them later
- At end of each exam candidate is given a score calculation, along with topic wise analysis (how much score is obtained in each topic) and time analysis (shows how much time was spent on each question) of the exam.
- Students can export the exam results (questions, answer options, answers selected and explanation) to a pdf document at the end of the exam
- All online exams can be monitored by administrator using geolocation of the student taking the exam and using image casting feature.
- Customize the application to display your own institute logo.
- Import any number of lessons and view them.
For more information, refer to our website,
https://www.anandsoft.com/LAAS/learning-assessment-software.htmlBookmark lessons to revisit them later.