Author Topic: Tender for FLEXIBLE SINGLE CORE CABLE - GOLDEN AL-RITAJ EST. Kuwait  (Read 8042 times)


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Dear Sirs,
Greetings… We are bidding for a tender requirement as below:

Description ----


450/750 volt / 1 x 300 sq. mm tinned copper flexible conductor EPR insulated HOFR Sheathing cable to BS 7919

Please arrange to send us your offer based on the following: -

1) Best itemized CFR – Kuwait Prices, valid for a period of 90 days,

2) Specifications of the materials offered must be in strict conformity with the specs mentioned. Any deviation must be clearly mentioned in separately,

3) Technical Data Sheets for each item must be carry either Drawings/Manuals/Catalogues/Brochures,

4) Your complete Techno-Commercial offer along with the Deviation, if any  must be emailed to us on or before 21TH July, 2011


·         One meter length sample must be submitted along with the offer including type test reports and manufacturer catalogue,

·         Offers without the above will not be considered,

·         Cable to be supplied on non-returnable cable drum,

·         The length of the cable on each drum and no. of the cables drum must be stipulated,

·         Offers not complying to the above will not be considered

Confirm by return email if you will be quoting to us on this enquiry.

With kind regards,
Best regards,

Vinod Rajan (Sales Dept.)

Near Hyundai Showroom
Commercial Bank Street
East Ahmadi

Tel: + 965 2398 1033
Fax: + 965 23924172
Mob: + 965 6559 5457

Website: www?

« Last Edit: December 29, 2017, 12:39:59 AM by rfc_forum »