Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home/rfcables/public_html/product_display.php on line 3 MULTIFLEX microwave cables
The flexible alternative to Semi-Rigid
MULTIFLEX microwave cables are the flexible alternative to Semi-Rigid cables. They are used in commercial and military RF and microwave airborne systems, communication systems, cellular base stations and satellite ground systems. In brief: anywhere a "flexible Semi-Rigid cable" is required.
Product Specification:
Features and benefits
comparable electrical performance as corresponding Semi-Rigid cable types; high screening
high flexibility: no 3D drawings required for design and manufacture
Semi-Rigid connectors are available for a quick and easy assembly
resistant to chemicals, oils, lubricants, humidity, etc.
HUBER+SUHNER cable type
Operating frequency
Temperature range (°C)
Outer Ø mm
Nominal attenuation*
40 GHz
-65 up to + 165
33 GHz
-65 up to + 165
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